You can use Viqeo not only for manual upload but also for recommendations under the page (when user read an article to the end to show some videos 'Watch more') or for playing your own video files

To create a new player press button 'Create player' and select a type of a player:


The external player is similar to standard players like JW Player, Kaltura, Flow Player but adapted for text environment. So you can use needed settings (Such as 'Autoplay') right as with manually uploaded videos. Just select a needed Preset and the Player will use its settings.

You can change all Youtube embeds to Viqeo player using an External player. Just place URL '' as an URL for an External player. But you need to contact Viqeo team by sending us a message to first. We have to activate 'Video cache' option to download Youtube videos, transcode & keep them at our CDN to show from an external player.

Code Example:

    <script async src="//"></script>
      style="width:100%;height:0;position:relative;padding-bottom: 57%;" 
      data-videoSrc="URL of your video"
      data-previewSrc="(optional) video preview. URL of preview image or remove this line if you don't have a preview image"
      <iframe src="// of your video&playerId=89" width="100%" height="100%" style="position:absolute;" frameBorder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>

Youtube video replacement

Change two times "URL of your video" by URL like and all videos will be changed to Viqeo player when ready. Until that time Youtube will be played by Viqeo-player but as Native Youtube embed.

Adaptive streaming (MBR)

If you have few video streams transcoded as separate mp4-files (or have different video sizes), use JSON array to support adaptive streaming:

data-videoSrc='[{"url": ""},
{"url": ""}, {"url": ""}]'

Where first file is default — this video is used to create a key-value, but all other files can be added in any sequence.

Also you can play adaptive bitrate videos by replacing file by URL to HLS m3u8-playlist file with various video streams in HLS format

To add a player to AMP-Pages please use Viqeo AMP-tag. Here is an instruction.


Use recommendations player to recommend videos you've uploaded (or from the special folder if needed) to users to engage more views.

Recommendations player detailed info

Setting up extra options on the page

To make your player 'Always on top' or to control the player via events or to receive events from the player you have to use Javascript API.

Here is how you can read how to create a sticky (Always on top) player.