Players / Always on TOP (Sticky) player

Always-on-top player is becoming small and sticks to any place when the main placement is out of screen.

Example of 'Always on top' player:

If you want to create an Always-on-top player which is shown always over your website, you need to use JavaScript API.

First of all you need to create a player:

var start = function(VIQEO) {
  // Here will be setup code
if (!window.VIQEO) {
  window.onViqeoLoad = start;
} else {

You have to put the code below inside of function to setup Always-on-top (Fly) player:

Setup Always-on-top mode
VIQEO.setConfig({ flyPlayer: true }) 

With the code above 1st player on the page will be set up as 'Always on top' player with default settings.

To set up the style and position of the player you can details :

Setting up the player
  flyPlayer: {
    floatingWidth: 230, // Width of the floating player
    floatingTop: '', // Offset from the top, px||%
    floatingRight: '', // Offset from the right, px||%
    floatingBottom: '', // Offset from the bottom, px||%
    floatingLeft: '', // Offset from the left, px||%
    enableCloseButton: false // Show close button, true || false

The example below will place the floating player to the top left corner with offset 30px from the top & 30px from the left.

  flyPlayer: { floatingTop: 30, floatingLeft: 30 }