
Content part is designed to help you to add new licensed or subscribed videos to your feed.

You can subscribe any Youtube or Instagram channels and get new content directly to your Viqeo account. Or you can use catalog to find any licensed content available on the Viqeo Platform.


Feed is the place where all recent content appears. You can subscribe any content and after that all updates will appear directly in your Feed. To use a content just hit 'Use video' button and content will be moved to your main feed where it can be edited or copied to paste into the articles.

To subscribe on Instagram or Youtube channels please go to 'Content > Feed' and press 'Add Channel'. You can subscribe any people on Instagram or Youtube channels by adding an URL

Copyright notice!

Please note that all licensed videos are marked as 'Licensed' and you can see conditions of usage by pressing video in 'Catalog' section. If you add unlicensed Youtube channels you are responsible for all potential copyright violations. The same with Instagram: some regional laws allow to use videos as a part of fair use paradigm. But in some countries this is prohibited. Here is a good explanation of fair use by Youtube.


Catalog is the place where you can find all available content. You can use search or sort videos by checking needed options.