Here you can find most common questions & answers for using Viqeo as a website visitor or as an editor.


How can I add new editors in my account?

— You can add any editors to any website you moderate. If you have few websites select in the top right corner one you want to work with. Go to 'Settings > Users' and press button 'Add user'. Select a role for user: editors can create sub-users and see all videos added to website. Authors work with personal videos only. They don't have an access to Statistics and can't create sub-users.

Video feed

Should I always wait for video transcoding?

— Of course not. If you want to add video to an article without cutting, you can use 'Code' button right after video is downloaded/uploaded without waiting of transcoding. Your embed code will be available and you can paste video, it will appear to users after being transcoded.

Do you have automatisation options for videos upload?

— If you have your own Youtube or Instagram Channel you can subscribe to it and all new videos will be uploaded automatically after adding to these web services.


Can I optimise settings? I do a lot of manual work: change settings of the videos every time

— Yes. If you have editor/owner rights — go to 'Settings > Presets' and change already created presets or add new ones. Viqeo remembers the last preset you used so if you use mostly one preset you don't have to change settings every time. If you don't have such rights - just ask you colleagues.

Can I cut few videos from one without duplicate original?

— Yes, if you opened Video Cut Editor and selected a cut fragment, use 'Export' button instead of 'Publish'. After that create a name for selected fragment in opened window (hint: for easy navigation call it for example 'Fragment 1 of original video') and press 'Save'. New fragment will be saved as new video right in your video feed and you can make fine tuning of it later. Watch a video example of 'Export' feature usage: 

Do you have keyboard shortcuts in Editor?

— Yes, in example you can play/pause a player with 'Space' button, make a fine tuning when cut videos with arrows and on the keyboard. And also you can use 'Shift + ←' and 'Shift + →'.

Player on the page

Videos are not autoplayed on iPhone/Android phone with autoplay option on video.

— Check 'Energy saving mode' or 'Traffic saving mode' on the phone. If save modes are turned on phone in most cases will not autoplay videos. 

Videos are not autoplayed on AMP-Pages even with autoplay option on. Why?

— According to new rules for video by AMP-Project, you have to specify autoplay in a tag. So just add an autoplay option to <amp-viqeo-player> tag. See detailed instruction here.